Using Vibration Control Products

Sometimes, improvement is immediately noticeable. For example, the Soul Mat usually stuns listeners within seconds.

Other times, improvement is incremental, often called cumulative. As a result, customers often start with one box of four Entropic blocks, and move them to where an effect is most noticeable, such as from under a DAC to a preamp. Every component is different. Almost always one improvement is noticeable. Afterward, many people order 3D2 pads or more Entropics for their other equipment.

Turntables are tricky. Expensive ones usually take great care with vibration control. Placing Entropics directly under their feet may not help; however, if q a turntable is placed on platform, resting the platform on Entropics may work well.

If a platter uses a mat, the Soul Mat or 33 1/3 Mat almost always improves the sound.

If you change cartridges, but don't want to change the VTA (tonearm height), the 1 mm thick 33 1/3 laid under another mat will usually make the adjustment.

In general, amps, pre-amps, DACs ... improve the most if blocks or pads are placed directly under their cases. Most feet on electronics do nothing for vibration control.

For cooling or for cases with clearance needs, people generally simply place 3D2s under each foot.

Platforms and cases vary in flatness. It is very common to use 3D2s as shims to level equipment.